Please submit Your Calendar Announcements and Updates to the Webmaster
October | 2020 | 10/15/2020 |
The various German Cornell Club Chapters may again be inviting - just as every year! - all intested Cornellians to join fellow alumni, spouses and friends around the world for the annual celebration of the International Spirit of
Zinck’s Night But the chance of celebrating the "International Spirit of Zincks's Night" is up in the air this year as nobody knows yet if the Corona pandemic is allowing for such celebration. |
May | 2020 | 05/22/2020- 05/24/2020 |
The 29th annual Cornell
of the Cornell Club of Germany was planned to resume in the city of Nuremberg, in the south-eastern German federal state of Bavaria. Due to the global Corona pandemic this years Cornell Weekend has been cancled. It is planned to go to Nuremberg in 2021 again and enjoy the program of this year then. |
March | 2020 | 03/06/2020 |
Yale Club of Germany
is extending invitations to all Ivy Circle Members to attend their March2020 event for the "Munich
Dialogues on Democracy - Hope, never Fear
personal Portrait of the Obamas"
February |
2020 | 02/06/2020 | Prof. Dr. Martin
Heckelmann of the Berlin Chapter is
extending the invitation of the for the first 2020 monthly Stammtisch on February 06th,2020 for 18:30 at "SIMON" They have great Italian food and
drinks. Please RSVP to carl@alumni.princeton.edu
so that I can get an accurate head count for the