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November | 2002 | 11/12/2002 |
The regular Fall get-together of the Rhein-Ruhr Chapter is comming up and Detlef Rahmann invites all interested Cornellians for November 12th, 2002, to assemble at 20:00 Hrs at the Restaurant " A Tavola", Wallstraße 11, Düsseldorf All interested alumni and friends are asked to join in. You also please may contact Detlef. He can be reached under Tel. Nr.: 0211-55943-0 or via email. |
Oktober | 2002 | 10/17/2002 | Please mark your calendars for the 2002 Zinck's Night on Thursday, October 17th. Klaus Conrad (M.S.'60) of the Munich Chapter has reserved the Hubertus Stüberl at Donisl on Marienplatz. Deloyce Conrad (B.S.'59) will also try to reach all Cornellians and Friends in the greater Munich area by e-mail. Please do help her out if you can to have a complete and accurate (e-)mailing list of alumni in the greater Munich area -- we keep coming across Cornellians who don't show up on anyone's list so far. |
September | 2002 | 09/10/2002 |
For the Region Rhein-Ruhr Detlef Rahmann invites to the upcoming regular Chapter get-togeher on September 10th, 2002 at Restaurant " Brauhaus Früh", Am Hof 12-14, 50667 Köln (Cologne), Tel: 0221/26 13 2111 All interested alumni and friends are asked to join in. You also please may contact Detlef. He can be reached under Tel. Nr.: 0211-55943-0 or via email. |
August | 2002 | 08/25/2002 | An interesting upcoming event in Kassel, taking as topic the documenta 11, was announced by Petra F. Schuck, Cornell and Fulbright Alumna, Architect AKH, who lives and works in Kassel. It is an alumni event by the Fulbright Alumni e.V./ Regional chapter Niedersachsen/Nordhessen. Interested Cornell Alumni have been cordially invited. For further information please contact Petra F. Schuck under Tel.-No.: 0561-779758. |
July | 2002 | 07/18/2002 | The traditional(!) summer beer-garden-get-together for Cornell Alumni and Friends a.k.a. the Munich sub-chapter will take place again at the Hirschgarten Beergarten (within easy walking distance of the S Bahn Station Laim -- yes, this is your chance to leave your car at home and drink as much good Bavarian beer as you like!!!). Klaus and Deloyce Conrad plan to hold down a table or two starting around 6 p.m. In case of rain, we'll reserve a table indoors. Look for a large C-O-R-N-E-L-L sign near the children's play area -- that means your kids are welcome as are spouses, partners, friends, siblings, those who attended any college or university in America for any length of time -- hope we haven't left out anybody!?! |
June | 2002 | 06/21/2002 to 06/23/2002 |
11th annual Cornell Weekend of the Cornell Club
of Germany will take place this year in Berlin,
Germany's capital. |
June | 2002 | 06/03/2002 to 06/05/2002 |
An interesting upcoming event in Berlin was
announced by co-alumnus Alexander Ware,
Architect AIA, B.Arch 1988, who lives and works in Berlin.
It is, admittedly, not an alumni event, but alumni such
as himself have been invited, so please take note.
Interested alumni may contact Alexander Ware. The event is sponsored by Cornell's ILR-School and details are to be found under http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/depts/cahrs/Spring2002.html |
May | 2002 | 05/02/2002 |
Klaus and Deloyce Conrad, who are co-ordinating the Munich Chapter are inviting for the 2nd quarterly meeting of this year at the Wayne University Junior Yearfacilitiy in Munich (Richard Wagner Str. 27, Entry Gabelsberger Str. - near Königsplatz - take Subway U2 to Station "Königsplatz"). Prof. Hans-Peter Söder is so kind to provide those rooms again, after the last several meeting there were so enjoyable for all who attended. This time our co-alumnus Dipl.-Ing. Eberhard Wimmer, M.Arch (Cornell '85), will be speaking about "Interrelations of American and German Architecture. We all are looking forward to this interesting presentation and the socalizing and discussions afterwards with "wine, cheese and crackers". Starting time will be 7:00 p.m |
April | 2002 | 04/23/2002 | For the Region Rhein-Ruhr
Detlef Rahmann
regularily invites to get-togehers Interested alumni
please may contact Detlef. He can be reached under Tel.
Nr.: 0211-55943-0 or via email. The next meeting of the Sub-Chapter will take place on April 23rd, 2002 at 19.30 Uhr in Düsseldorf; The location of the meeting will be announced. |
March | 2002 | 08/03/2002 | BoardMeeting in Fischelbach, in the Siegerland Area north of Frankfurt. Issues along the published agenda are being discussed. Also some more planning discussion for this years annual meeting in Berlin will take place. |
January | 2002 | 01/24/2002 |
For the first quarterly meeting of the Munich Chapter in 2002, Prof. Hans-Peter Söder, who heads the Junior Year in Munich program at the University has invited us to meet at their quarters in the Richard-Wagner-Str. 27 near Königsplatz. With the hope that more of you can mark your calendars and take part, Klaus and Deloyce Conrad have announced that for this evening we are due for a very special treat as the spouse of one of our Cornellians is not only willing, but is eager to help clear up some common misunderstandings about Islam! Dr. Rocío Daga-Konrad's presentation is titled "Better understanding of Islam" . We are looking forward to see as many Cornellians as Non-Cornellians, as this evening bound to be a super event, starting at 7:00 pm |