Cornellians in Munich are a group of enthusiastic people who enjoy their fellow Alumni and the cosmopolitan life of the city as much as the wonderful natural environment which the Bavarian Capital has to offer ..... the Bavarian Rolling Hills, the Lakes and the nearby majestic Alps ....
Chapter Coordination:
Klaus and Deloyce Conrad
Friedingerstr. 6
82229 Seefeld

Tel/Fax: [+49]-(8152)-79674
M.Sc '60


Members: Barbara Chaney  
Wolfgang Fritzemeyer
LL.M. '84


Joshua P. Gernold
ALS '04
Jörg Kerschbaum    
Wolfgang Konrad  
Ole Jens Rummel  
Hans-Günter Thonemann
M.Sc. '81
Eberhard and Maggie Wimmer  
Volker Zwillich  
Associated Alumni: Friedrich W. Appoldt
Peter M. Atteslander
Dr. Gottfried Averdunk
Hildegard Berghof
Petra Beyer
Wolfram Birkmayer
Winfried Denk
Dr. A. Fleming
Martin E. Köhler
Richard Mehringer
Ulfried K. Müller
Dietmar Müller
Herbert L. Ober
Jakob Pichlmeier
Thomas R. Robl
Stefan Schad
Dr. Herrmann Schone
Theresa M. Schnider
Joseph Straus
Thomas Valenta